The Alliance of Parent´s Associations and Parent´s Councils of Elementary Schools in Reykjavík

A very good way to ensure that our children learn to their best ability and feel good in school is to have a strong bond between parents, pupils and their school. Parent´s Council and Parent´s AssociationIn all elementary schools in Reykjavík there are parents participating in the Parent´s Council and Parent´s Association of their children´s schools. As stated by law Parent´s Councils must be active in the schools.The parents participate in and organize all kinds of meetings and projects that aim at good relationship and co-operation between parents, pupils and schools. Every year parents in each school choose their representatives who will participate in this volunteer work for the school year.

The school´s office has the names of these parents. SAMFOK is an alliance of parent´s associations and councils of the elementary schools of Reykjavík. Parents choose their representives to be on the board of SAMFOK at it´s annual meeting, in May each year. The board meets twice a month during the school year and decides upon and takes care of various matters concerning pupils and parents in the elementary schools of Reykjavík. Parents have a representative in the Board of Education in Reykjavík– fræðsluráði. At the Board of Education meetings he has the right to voice his opinion and make proposals, but not to vote. This representative is the spokesman for parents and guards the rights of parents and pupils in the matters up for discussion and decision. He also brings before the board matters that parents have requested be taken up by the Board. SAMFOK publishes regularly it´s newsletter that is sent to all chairmen of parent´s associations and parent´s councils. The chairmen are supposed to make the newsletter available to other parents. At SAMFOK website one can also receive these informations.

SAMFOK has an office where it´s possible to get information about almost everything that has to do with co-operation between parents and schools. Parents are very welcome there and are encouraged to use the services of SAMFOK.