Adaptation and validation to local context (AU)


This WP envisages adapting the core resilience program for implementation in local settings and to validate the localized program with a sample of stakeholders (youths, teachers and families).

The cultural adaptation to different EU regions is based on a systematic modification of the core intervention to consider language, culture and contexts in such a way that it is compatible with the, youths´, teachers´ and families´ cultural patterns, meanings and values.

The main objectives will be:

  • To explore the cultural differences of target groups in each pilot region
  • To co-customize the core resilience intervention according to the needs detected
  • To test and validate the localized resilience interventions


During the exploratory phase a strong synergy will take place between tasks framework in WP2 and WP3. UPRIGHT core intervention co-design (WP2) and the incorporation of cultural elements boosting program appeal, appropriateness, efficacy and stakeholder engagement (WP3) will occur simultaneously.

The co-creation process will be based on group dynamics with teachers, families and youths. The process consists of two different phases: i) exploratory phase and ii) confirmatory phase. The former intends to identify the challenges related to promoting mental health and resilience, and codesign and co-produce the core resilience intervention; whereas, the latter aims to validate and co-customize the core intervention ensuring regional needs and particularities are met. During the exploratory phase, separate working groups with youths, families and teachers will be organized in each pilot site to gather information on cultural differences in languages, computer literacy, reading levels, educational levels of stakeholders (T3.1). These working groups will also serve to discover and understand the challenges of promoting mental health and resilience (T2.2).

The information collected in the working groups will be used to perform a thematic comparative analysis and then integrated to adapt the core program, developed in WP2, to regional contexts.

During the confirmatory phase of the co-creation process, the regional co-designed, co-produced and co-customized programs will be tested by target groups, and schools´ managers and resilience experts as well. This procedure will ensure that the intervention co-created is acceptable, comprehensive and valid for all stakeholders in each region. Based on the feedback from testers the refinement of the local version of the program will be done ensuring regional needs and particularities are met.