Cookie Policy

Understanding Cookies: What They Are and Why They Matter

Ever wondered how websites seem to remember you? It’s all thanks to something called cookies! No, not the kind you bake in the oven, but little bits of data that play a big role in your online experience. Let’s break it down so it makes sense.

So, what exactly is a cookie? Imagine you’re visiting a friend’s house for the first time. Your friend might take note of your favorite snacks or the things you like to talk about so that the next time you visit, they can make your stay even better. That’s kind of how cookies work for websites.

A cookie is a tiny string of information that a website saves on your computer or device when you visit. This cookie then travels back to the website every time you come back for another visit. Think of it as a digital name tag that helps the website recognize you and remember things about you, like your preferences or your last visit. For instance, it can remember your login details so you don’t have to type them in every time you come back.

At Upright Project, we use cookies to help us get to know our visitors better. These cookies let us track things like how you’re using our website, what pages you visit, and what you like or don’t like. This information helps us improve our site and make sure we’re providing you with content that matters to you. It’s like having a helpful assistant who takes notes on what you enjoy and what you might need in the future.

But what if you’re not a fan of cookies? Don’t worry, you have control over this! If you’d prefer not to have cookies saved on your device, you can set your browser to refuse them. Just keep in mind that this might mean you lose some of the conveniences we offer, like saved login information or personalized content. It’s a bit like choosing not to have your friend take notes—you might have to remind them of your favorite things each time you visit.