Write for Us

Here’s How to Pitch and Write a Guest Post for Upright Project

Welcome, aspiring writers! If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing your work featured on a respected platform like the Upright Project, you’re in the right place. Contributing a guest post here isn’t just about getting published—it’s a chance to build your authority, boost your social media presence, earn some cash, and even grow your email list. Sounds exciting, right?

But before you dive in, let’s chat about what it takes to make a successful pitch and craft a post that’ll shine. Think of this as your treasure map to striking gold with your guest post. Follow these steps, and you’ll avoid getting lost in the slush pile where spammy pitches and half-baked ideas go to fade away.

Step 1: Understand Our Goals

First things first: We only respond to pitches that truly catch our eye. We get a lot of submissions—about 30 for every pitch we choose to pursue, and only a third of those make it to the publication stage. So, how can you stand out? By showing us that you get what we’re about.

Imagine you’re crafting a delicious meal for a picky foodie. You wouldn’t just slap together any old ingredients, right? You’d think carefully about what they like and offer them something special. That’s exactly how you should approach your pitch. Show us that you understand our mission and can contribute something unique and valuable.

Step 2: Follow the Directions

Our guidelines are there for a reason. If you skip over them or miss important details, your pitch might end up in the rejection pile. Think of our guidelines as a recipe for success. If you follow them step-by-step, you’re much more likely to cook up something we love.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Read Our Guidelines Carefully: Make sure you know what kind of content we’re looking for. Are you providing fresh insights or just rehashing old ideas?
  2. Craft a Compelling Pitch: Your pitch should be clear and exciting. Tell us what you’re going to write about, why it’s interesting, and why you’re the perfect person to write it.
  3. Submit a Well-Written Draft: If your pitch gets accepted, you’ll need to deliver a top-notch post. We’re not just looking for any content—we want posts that are engaging, well-researched, and high-quality.

Step 3: Know the Rewards

As of March 9, 2024, we offer $100 to $200 USD for each accepted post, depending on the editor’s discretion. That’s a pretty sweet deal compared to other platforms! Plus, your post will get shared on Facebook, tweeted out, and linked back to your own site. It’s a fantastic opportunity for brand development and list-building.